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Writer's pictureKarolis Duoba

“Citizen-First” is More Than a Buzzword 

As Solace24 approaches, there’s a growing recognition across local government of the need for a truly citizen-first approach.

People are more engaged than ever, voicing their expectations clearly, and councils are responding by placing greater emphasis on real-time feedback and collaboration. This shift isn’t just a passing trend - it’s a turning point, where councils aren’t just service providers anymore; they’re becoming partners in shaping better outcomes for their communities. 

solace summit 2024

With tools like GovMetric CX and CaseTracker, councils can act swiftly on feedback and effectively manage complaints, leading to better services, cost savings, and stronger public trust.

The discussions at Solace24 will no doubt explore how councils can build on this momentum, shaping a future where citizen engagement is at the heart of public service. 

Why Citizen-First Matters 

At the core of this shift is the understanding that people want to feel heard and valued. When citizens believe their voices are being listened to, trust builds, and satisfaction improves.

This creates a ripple effect, where not only do complaints rise, but the cost of managing them increases, stretching council resources and diverting focus from delivering effective services. 

citizen journey cx complaints

Real-time feedback has become a game-changer for councils, enabling them to address concerns before they escalate into formal complaints. By responding swiftly to the issues that matter most, councils can maintain higher levels of satisfaction and reduce the pressure on service teams. Whether it’s improving how services are delivered, addressing housing needs, or providing better social care, collaboration between councils and citizens is the key to ensuring these issues are handled effectively. 

The Cultural Shift Needed 

For the citizen-first approach to truly succeed, a cultural change within local government is essential. It’s not just about gathering feedback- it’s about acting on it. Everyone, from leadership to front-line staff, needs to understand the importance of listening and responding to citizens’ needs.

Councils leading the way have already embraced this mindset, and the results speak for themselves - happier citizens, greater trust, and more efficient services. 

As Solace24 draws near, one thing is clear: citizen-first isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the future of public service. By fully embracing this approach, councils can stay responsive, adaptable, and better equipped to meet the needs of the communities they serve. 


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